Rye Rangers Past, Present & Future on Display

The renewal of the Rye High School-Rye Country Day School varsity hockey rivalry on Jan. 5 was also a significant one for the Rye Rangers Hockey Club.

The game featured 28 former Rye Rangers players (18 on the Rye roster, and 10 on Rye Country Day School). It began with a pre-game ceremony in which Rye Rangers Good Skate Chairman Rocky Shepard awarded the Rye Rangers Scholarship Award to Rye Garnets co-captain Seth Dorfman and RCDS co-captain Ewan Ward.

It included a first-ever in-between periods mini-game featuring our Mite B players.

And it ended in dramatic fashion, with Rye scoring with one second remaining in overtime to win 6-5.  Thanks to Maureen Tsuchida (myryephotos.com) for these incredible pictures.

Good Skate chairman Rocky Shepard presiding over the pre-game ceremony honoring Rye Rangers Award winners Seth Dorfman and Ewan Ward.

Mite Bs enjoying an intra-squad game between periods.

Rye HS celebrates its dramatic OT win.

Longtime Rye Rangers 2008 teammates Trevor Dolan, Paul Heintz, and Will Weinman pose post-game.